Mumbai: The beloved superhero show Shaktimaan is making a comeback, rekindling cherished childhood memories for fans across generations. Mukesh Khanna, who portrayed Shaktimaan, recently announced the return of India’s first superhero through an Instagram post, accompanied by a teaser and poster. In his caption, Khanna wrote, “It is time for him to return. Our first Indian super teacher-superhero… as darkness and evil threaten today’s children, he returns with a message and a sermon for this generation.” The announcement has fans buzzing in the comments, expressing their excitement. One fan reminisced about skipping school just to watch Shaktimaan, while another shared how the show made their childhood memorable. The teaser showcases clips from past episodes, ending with Shaktimaan’s iconic theme song, sparking nostalgia and anticipation among viewers. Shaktimaan’s return promises to inspire today’s generation with the same values of courage and integrity that once captivated audiences everywhere.
Shaktimaan to regale audiences again